Here is a picture of Misterbianco in 2 years.
thank the legendary Joseph for reporting this article de, by the friendly title " Misterbianco as Terzigno ", which explains the situation.
take advantage of that on my blog to talk a problem to me very close.
Very close.
350 meters.
Misterbianco fact we are fortunate to have a landfill at 350 meters from the town . A landfill that produces miasma that often do not allow us to keep the windows open or walk down the street.
has created a committee of citizens that has gathered 5000 signatures to be submitted to the Prefect, the President of the Region and the Minister for the Environment (I also knew the President of the Republic), to demand the closure of the landfill .
The President of Sicily Region Raffaele Lombardo presented the regional waste management plan that provides for the extension of the landfill .
In noticeable delay, Misterbianco politicians from all parties, are now affecting the problem. Still has not figured out how. But they are interesting.
In this regard the proposals made by our politicians were the most disparate:
1) Amsterdam send the waste, which costs us less to landfill (instead of Amsterdam to take them to save billions ... ) ;
2) find a new location for the landfill, such as Paterno (to download the problem to someone else who, in turn, tot later years, will attempt to download it to someone else and so on ... so you begin to talk about "discaricabarile" ) ;
3) build a Waste to Energy Plant " (a clean way to call a system that enhances a tube, but instead refers us to burn the trash and dust in the air of sympathetic discharge) ;
4) launch 4,653 bombs in vials around Misterbianco , so get used to the stink and live with the landfill, organizing guided tours of the schools (of course it I added the proposal, although it seems to reread the most intelligent ...) .
Even a blind and dyslexic child would realize that these proposals are old solutions to a current problem. It is with these late-medieval methods, which will resolve the issue.
The problem is solved instead, thinking modern solutions: the massive collection leads to the production of waste close to zero. In short, the garbage is thrown away, but he becomes rich.
seem like science fiction, but there are those who are really doing. For example " Vedelago Recycling Center" in Vedelago, in the province Treviso. Add a video that needs no comments:
These show us that the solutions we propose that all years are obsolete .
Then I advance the idea, not to close the landfill, but make it modern. to force her to be, not just "under", but to be beyond the norm, to be productive and environmentally friendly.
But I also know that this is a project virtually impossible, because we are in Sicily, and interest and conflicts of interest are so many ...
In closing, I note also the interesting article Republic of the "irresistible rise" of Salvatore Proto .